whats up peoples .. its been quite a while since i said a word ! lately i been hooked to this show TRUE BLOOD .. its fuckin awsome .. a t.v series about vampires shape shifters and warwolfs ... oh and dont forget humans serial killers and wait they all live in the same town together
happily ever after?? maybe not but its fuckin dope
big shout outs LOW CARD MALL GRAB for using NINJASONIK in there VIDEO ~ !! hell yeah .. start watching at 10:14 if ya wanna see omies skate to the ninjas~ ~!!!!
and also big shouts to matt for finding this video ~ ~!!!
most writers become famous from there lurk of work and end up exposed to the public through . gallery art gettin striaght up cuaght up or jus revealing themselves at some point .. through film photos etc ..
this friend of friends has never been cuaght and is known for his infamous "BNE " sticker bombing .. going world wide .. amazing i must say .. the fact that he has been worldwide for stickers and occasional bombing with rollers and paint is amazing maybe i know " BNE " .through friends it could be possible .. maybe i never met him in my life .. one thing is for sure . i dont wanna meet him . i think it would ruin the mystery for me and take back from wha he has done for the graffitti community